My Kolkata Exhibition and Photo Contest


Photo Contest

This is a chance to show the world – you can also click like a Pro. Only Weekend Friends in WeekendDestinations profile qualify for this contest. Your submitted images, if selected would be exhibited in the Photo Gallery of KolkataCityTours website and will also be in the Flickr and/or Facebook profile.



Submission Starts: 26-June-2013 (Wednesday)
Submission Closes: 07-July-2013 at 11:00 PM (Sunday)
Voting for shortlisted images Starts: 10-July-2013 Closes: 15-July-2013 (midnight)


[  Click here to see the shortlisted photos  ]



Prize 1: A wrist watch from Reebok for the image that receives highest vote from the FB Weekend Friends.
Prize 2: Two CDs/DVDs for the image that receives the second highest number of votes.
Prize 3: One CD/DVD for the image that receives the third highest number of votes.

All selected images would be Exhibited in the Photo Gallery of website.


Step 1: Only Facebook Members of Weekend Destinations Qualify. If you are not a member already, join our Weekend Community today at

Step 2: Download myKolkata-Photo-Contest-Form from website (MS Word Format) to participate.

Step 3: Check the rules and instructions to fill up the myKolkata-Photo-Contest-Form with all details.

Step 4: Send us the images and the filled up myKolkata-Photo-Contest-Form to




[1] Only FaceBook Weekend Friends of WeekendDestinations can submit images. If you are not a member of our FaceBook Community then join us to participate in this Photo contest. Our FaceBook Community (Login required)

[2] All images submitted must belong to you. The photograph, in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the Contest entrant. By entering the Contest, entrant represents, acknowledges, and warrants that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by the entrant, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the photograph.

[3] You can write your name on the image but only at bottom left position. Your name should not distort the image. Logos are not allowed on the image.

[4] Your submitted image if selected will be exhibited on the Photo Gallery of website and will also be in the Flickr and/or Facebook profile. If images are used on the website then we will mention “Photographs by …” with due credit to the photographer.

[5] Submission Starts: 26-June-2013 (Wednesday) at 12:00 Midnight. Submission Closes: 07-July-2013 at 11:00 PM (Sunday)

[6] You can submit maximum 5 images. All images must be related to the Kolkata City, the landmarks, and anything that you feel represents Kolkata City.

[7] Each digital file/photograph must be 1 megabytes or smaller, must be in JPEG or JPG format, and must be at least 600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 600 pixels tall (if a vertical image). No borders or frames are allowed. Images corrected with Photo editing tools would be disqualified.

[8] All images should be emailed as attachment to the email id with the filled up myKolkata-Photo-Contest-Form. Images received without filled myKolkata-Photo-Contest-Form won’t qualify for the contest.

[9] All selected images would be Exhibited in the Photo Gallery of website.

[10] We will not pay any royalties or any other monetary considerations for the images that are displayed on our website/galleries/facebook profile/flickr account. Due acknowledgement about the photographer would be mentioned if his/her images are used on the website

[11] Decisions of authorities on short listing the images for voting are final and binding.

[12] If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, due to infection by computer virus, bugs, worms, trojan horses, denial of service attacks, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Photo Contest, reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tamper with the entry process, and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Contest.